HOME > Origami Bonsai (Japanese ISBN Ed.) Create Beautiful Botanical Sculptures from Paper

Origami Bonsai (Japanese ISBN Ed.)

Create Beautiful Botanical Sculptures from Paper

Origami Bonsai (Japanese ISBN Ed.)

Author Benjamin John Coleman
Price JPY 2,750
ISBN 978-4-8053-1130-1
Format 228×289mm 112pages
Availability Out-of-print
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Origami bonsai is the art of folding paper flowers and leaves which are glued to natural branches, creating exquisite botanical sculptures. Origami Bonsai teaches readers from all walks of life the skills necessary to create these intricate and stunning pieces of art. The beauty of origami bonsai is that even newcomers to paperfolding can create fantastic arrangements. With each page of the book readers will have the opportunity to create their own amazingly lifelike sculptures. Revolutionary approaches in this book include mass production of leaves, painting techniques and depth enhancement. Each page leads to new discoveries that will inspire the creation of wildly complex plant sculptures. Readers will be surprised at how easy these sculptures are to create, and how much they are appreciated by others.

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