HOME > HISTORY, CULTURE & CURRENT AFFAIRS > Japanese Culture > The Japanese Mind Understanding Contemporary Japanese Culture
The Japanese Mind
Understanding Contemporary Japanese Culture
Author | Roger J. Davies |
Author | Osamu Ikeno |
Price | JPY 1,870 |
ISBN | 978-4-8053-1021-2 |
Format | 140×216mm 280pages Paperback |
Availability | In stock |
In "The Japanese Mind," Roger Davies offers Westerners an invaluable key to the unique aspects of Japanese culture. Readers of this book will gain a clear understanding of what really makes the Japanese, and their society, tick. Among the topics explored: aimai (ambiguity), amae (dependence upon others' benevolence), amakudari (the nation's descent from heaven), chinmoku (silence in communication), gambari (perseverence), giri (social obligation), haragei (literally, "belly art"; implicit, unspoken communication), kenkyo (the appearance of modesty), sempai-kohai (seniority), wabi-sabi (simplicity and elegance), and zoto (gift giving), as well as discussions of childrearing, personal space, and the roles of women in Japanese society. Includes discussion topics and questions after each chapter.
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