HOME > ORIGAMI > Origami Paper Value Packs > Origami Paper 100 sheets Japanese Flowers 6" (15 cm) Double-Sided Origami Sheets Printed with 12 Different Patterns (Instructions for Projects Included)

[new] Origami Paper 100 sheets Japanese Flowers 6" (15 cm)

Double-Sided Origami Sheets Printed with 12 Different Patterns (Instructions for Projects Included)

Origami Paper 100 sheets Japanese Flowers 6" (15 cm)

Author Tuttle Studio
Price JPY 1,100
ISBN 978-0-8048-5699-7
Format 150x150mm 12種類の両面刷り折り紙100枚pages Origami Paper
Availability In stock
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This origami paper pack contains 100 high-quality origami sheets printed with 12 different natural-looking and attractive Japanese flower patterns and prints.

The handmade look of this paper was selected to enhance the creative work of modular origami artists and paper crafters. The pack contains prints unique to this package, and each sheet has a solid coordinating color on the back side.

This origami paper pack includes:
100 sheets of high-quality origami paper
12 colorful Japanese-style designs and patterns
Double-sided color
6 x 6 inch (15 cm) squares
Instructions for 5 easy origami projects

There's enough paper here to create beautiful folded models, distribute to students for a class project, or put to a multitude of other creative uses from scrapbooking to bullet journaling!

* cover price / excluding tax