An Intimate Portrait of Japanese Inner Life
- author
- Lafcadio Hearn
- price
- JPY 1,870
Lady Murasaki's Tale of Genji: The Manga Edition
- author
- Sean Michael Wilson?
- price
- JPY 1,870
Lafcadio Hearn's Japan
Stories and Essays from Japan's Most Famous F...
- edit
- Donald Richie
- price
- JPY 2,310
Lafcadio Hearn's Kwaidan
Terrifying Japanese Tales of Yokai, Ghosts an...
- author
- Lafcadio Hearn
- price
- JPY 1,760
Mad Kyoto Shoe Swapper
and Other Short Stories
- author
- Rebecca Otawa
- price
- JPY 1,760
Manga Yokai Stories
Ghostly Tales from Japan (Seven Manga Ghost S...
- author
- Sean Michael Wilson
- price
- JPY 1,870
Mister Timeless Blyth
A Biographical Novel: R.h. Blyth's Life of Ze...
- author
- Alan Spence
- price
- JPY 3,630
Miyamoto Musashi's Book of Five Rings: The Ma...
Japan's Legendary Book on Samurai Military St...
- Author
- Miyamoto Musashi
- price
- JPY 2,090
Modern Japanese Literature
From 1868 to the Present Day
- author
- Donald Keene
- price
- JPY 2,200
Modern Japanese Stories
An Anthology
- edit
- Ivan Morris
- price
- JPY 2,200
* cover price / excluding tax